Lifeguard Courses

Lifeguard Instructor Course

American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Course

The American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Course provides training for becoming a certified Lifeguard Instructor and CPR for the Professional Rescuer Instructor. Candidates must have prior experience as an American Red Cross Lifeguard or equivalent program (certifications must be up to date). This course can be taught on your site as a private course to fit your staff needs. Our Lifeguard Instructor Courses are conducted during most of our regular scheduled Lifeguard Training courses (see schedule below). L.G.I. Candidates must have a good working knowledge of the Lifeguard Program to successfully complete the Lifeguard Instructor Course. This program is not designed to teach candidates any part of the lifeguard program or certify them as Lifeguards. This program is designed to teach candidates how to present the information using Red Cross guidelines and all course information including the Instructors Manual, Instructors Corner, Lifeguard DVD’s and Videos, and all additional resources at your disposal.

Proof of current Lifeguard certification and a A $100 non refundable registration fee ( included in tuition) is required to register for this course.

Lifeguarding Instructor Course Description


Candidates must:

Be at least 17 years old.

Possess a current basic-level certification in Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED.

Successfully complete the online Introduction to the Lifeguarding Instructor Course prior to

pre course skills session and online completion status report.

Obtain all instructor and participant materials before entering the first session of the instructor course.

For additional information on this course, including detailed course prerequisites and completion requirements click the course description link 


Please email or call to confirm availability before registering. Enrollment is limited to 8 LGI candidates per course.  Early registration is required.

 Lifeguard Instructor Schedule and Registration

Charlotte, Wilmington, and Triangle Areas

When viewing schedule on a mobile device you may need to rotate phone to landscape to see full schedule and register link.

If classes are available – Register on the schedule below. Click on the register link in the schedule to begin.

When viewing schedule on a mobile device you may need to rotate phone to landscape to see full schedule and register link.

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