Lifeguard Courses
American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor /Trainer Review Course
The American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor/Instructor Trainer Review Course is designed for CURRENT American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructors/Instructor Trainers to review administrative procedures as well as participate in a Skill Polish session to ensure consistency of course delivery when teaching American Red Cross courses. This class is a required part of maintaining instructor certification in good standing with the American Red Cross and must be completed every 2 years. The course had an online component and an in person component. Base level Lifeguard Recertification is included in the price.
If you are recently expired but wish to retain your certification you may be eligible for a Lifeguard Instructor Reentry course. Please contact us for pricing and availability.
Proof of current Lifeguard Instructor certification is required for enrollment. Please register using the email your Red Cross Certificates are linked to or provide it so verifying your certification is easier. A $150 non refundable registration fee ( included in tuition) is required to hold your spot in class.
Register for course on schedule below
Lifeguard Instructor Schedule and Registration
Charlotte, Wilmington, and Triangle Areas
Lifeguard Instructor /Trainer Recertification Schedule and Registration
If classes are available – Register on the schedule below. Click on the register link in the schedule to begin